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Hajj & Umrah Vaccinations

Hajj & Umrah are two important gatherings and spiritual pilgrimages to Makkah for fit and healthy muslims across the world.

Umrah is a quick, non-compulsory pilgrimage to receive blessings at any time of the year. Hajj however is an obligatory, extended pilgrimage with more rituals that all Muslims are expected to undertake at least once. 

Approximately three million muslims from around the world gather each year for the Hajj pilgrimage, which takes place on 26th June this year.

Pilgrims travelling, should seek advice about the health risks for any travel that may be undertaken either before or following Hajj or Umrah.

Pilgrims should ensure that they are up to date with all routine immunisations, and ideally see their healthcare provider at least four to six weeks prior to performing Hajj for advice on travel vaccinations, malaria chemoprophylaxis (if appropriate for travel before or after the pilgrimage), food and water precautions, risks from insect bites, heat exhaustion and injury prevention.

Here at Rightdose, we offer all the recommended and required vaccines for those who are travelling to Saudi Arabia. 

The Meningitis Acwy Vaccine

The vaccine is routinely given on the NHS to young people who are around 14 years old (if you missed this, the NHS might be able to provide it up until your 25th birthday).

Meningitis ACWY is more likely to spread amongst young people especially ones who attend college/university as they are more likely to spend more time in enclosed areas with large groups of people.

It is a requirement for travellers to Saudi Arabia who intend to perform Umrah/Hajj pilgrimages to get the meningitis ACWY vaccine and provide a certificate of proof of vaccination which can provide.

Our online booking system is the best place to find availability for a vaccine appointment. Ideally the vaccine should be administered at least 10 days before you travel to Saudi Arabia.

Only one vaccine is normally required for adults and children unless it is required for a certificate (which is valid for 3-5 years depending on the type of vaccine, at Rightdose we only administer the conjugate which has a 5 year expiry) in which case patients can be revaccinated every 5 years.

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